Sydney Dragway announced for Round 2 of Australian Enduro-x Nationals 2015
In the lead up to the InsureMyRide Australian enduro-x nationals comes the announcement that final approval has been granted to use the infield of the Sydney Dragway, located at Ferrers Road Eastern Creek, Sydney. The enduro-x event will be held on Saturday night 28th February 2015, and is round 2 of the Australian national 3 round series.
Organiser of the enduro-x, Dave Robbins, announced today, “We have been working closely with Sydney Dragway board, Local council and NSW Department of Sport and Recreation to allow the event to go ahead on the actual dragstrip itself. The facilities are first class and we have worked out a way to cross the dragstrip twice using tyres and soft obstacles. We were always having the enduro-x at the Sydney Dragway venue, but now it will be in the actual dragstrip itself, not in an outer field”
Venue manager for the Sydney Dragway, Luke Smith, confirmed the venue and stated, “We are excited to bring the InsureMyRide Enduro-X Nationals to the venue. We are hoping with the first class facilities for spectators and riders that it will bring enduro-x into the mainstream of motorsport events. The promoters have worked out a unique track that will be good for riders and spectator, and under the lights and sound system at the Dragway it should be a great night.’”
Series organiser Dave Robbins also added, “There has been a lot of negotiation and effort in getting the Dragway and Sydney siders will have the best seat in the country to watch the action of the enduro-x.”

Sydney Dragway showing the area where the track will constructed including the grass hill on far left